Off-targets in CRISPR and Ways to reduce them

3 min readJan 11, 2021

Off-targets in CRISPR: CRISPR is genetic scissors which are used to cut targeted sequences in the genome. Off-targets sites are those sites which are not targeted/Non-interested sites where Cas9 binds. This causes cleavage in unintended genomic sites the effects of this “Unintended cleavage” is called as off-target effects.

If the CRISPR enzyme cleaves the DNA at random sites it causes concerns about the uses and the application of this technique.

How do we reduce Off-targets?

So, here are a few ways in which one can reduce the Off-targets and increase the efficiency of CRISPR editing

  • Re-engineering the Guide RNA — gRNA
  • Employing different Cas9 proteins
  • Adapting Non-Viral delivery methods
  • Using Base editors
  • Regulating temperatures
  • Using Anti-CRISPR Proteins
  1. Re-engineering the Guide RNA — GRNA

Guide RNA helps to identify the cleavage site in the DNA. So, designing a proper gRNA is an essential way to reduce Off-targets.

  • 40% — 60% of GC contents in the gRNA increase the on-target performance.
  • Guanine at 20th position and Cytosine at 16th position also increases the ontarget editing.
  • sgRNA (Single guide RNA) of length 18 base pair can reduce the mutations at Off-target sites.

2. Employing different Cas9 proteins

Cas9 protein is an RNA-guided endonuclease which is derived from wild type Streptococcus pyogenes; this gRNA seems to produce high off-target effects. Different Cas9 proteins can reduce this to an extent.

Some Cas9 variants are

  • SaCas9 (Staphylococcus aureus) — Has much higher on-target mutagenesis.
  • StCas9 (Streptococcus thermophilus) — More specific.
  • CjCas9 (Campylobacter jejuni) — Reduced off-target activity.

3. Different delivery methods

Methods used to introduce the gRNA and Cas9 plays a vital role in the accuracy of the targets.

Recently Non-viral CRISPR delivery methods have been employed. Some of these methods are

  • Electroporation — Delivering the gRNA and Cas9 as RNP (Ribonucleoprotein) complex is better than plasmid transfection
  • Using biomaterials Cell-derived nanovesicles, Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) and Polyethyleneimine methods have shown to be nontoxic and have low off target effects. MNPs is considered to be the best delivery method for CRISPR/Cas9.

4. Using Base editors

Base editing is a gene-editing approach that uses the CRISPR/Cas9 system and other enzymes to cause direct point mutations without making double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs).

Unintended mutation (Off-targets) occur usually from double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) followed by Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). So using base editors can reduce this effect.

  • Cytosine Base Editor = mediate a C to T change (or a G to A change on the opposite strand)
  • Adenine Base Editor = mediate an A to G change (or a T to C change on the opposite strand)

5. Regulating temperatures

The temperature of the growth chamber influences on & off-target mutations.

  • 37°C is an optimal temperature, it affects the Cas9 cleavage and increases the chances of on-target mutations.

6. Using Anti-CRISPR Proteins

Anti-CRISPR proteins are produced by phages to evade the CRISPR system.

  • Recently, it has been found that using Anti-CRISPR proteins after a certain time (6 hours) can reduce off-target effects.
  • AcrIIA4, an inhibitor protein from the Listeria bacteriophage reduced by fourfold the off-target effects of a CRISPR-Cas9


  1. Naeem, M., Majeed, S., Hoque, M. Z., & Ahmad, I. (2020). Latest developed strategies to minimize the off-target effects in CRISPR-Cas-mediated genome editing. Cells, 9(7), 1608
  2. Hajiahmadi, Z., Movahedi, A., Wei, H., Li, D., Orooji, Y., Ruan, H., & Zhuge, Q. (2019). Strategies to Increase On-Target and Reduce Off-Target Effects of the CRISPR/Cas9 System in Plants. International journal of molecular sciences, 20(15), 3719.
  3. Han, H. A., Pang, J. K. S., & Soh, B. S. (2020). Mitigating off-target effects in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated in vivo gene editing. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 1–18.

